Cigar brands have full control of the information that is shared throughout the entire Cigar Social platform. Accurate from the start.
When a user posts a photo they can tag the cigar that is in the shot. The same info that the brand inputted pops up. With the click of a button their followers can not only learn more about it, but also add to a wishlist or compare it to one of their favorites.
A brand’s cigar library is made up of both current production and discontinued cigars. Wrapper, binder, filler, strength, and other details are highlighted per cigar. The page administrator can edit or add a new cigar at any time.
By simply adding a cigar from a brand’s page to their own shop’s page, the info stays accurate and straight from the source. This saves owners time and provides their customers with valuable info that will help educate them on cigars.
Home Feed
Scroll through your home feed to see pictures that your followers, brands, and shops post. Like other social media sites, you'll notice a blue link in the bottom left corner known as a tag.
Tags are usually people that are in the photo. Not the case on Cigar Social! Our cigar tags take you straight to a page showcasing the info of that pictured cigar.
Add the cigar to your wishlist, save it as a favorite, or browse through the brand's page to learn more about their cigar portfolio.
Compare cigars
Quickly compare any two cigars within the app. Each cigar shows side-by-side, to scale. A pop up box shows all detailed info of each cigar, comparing attributes like binder, filler, wrapper, etc.
Check out the video tutorial for a 30 second preview.